Friday, March 1, 2013

Snakeeeee year

Pretty good year, baby stayed in sg this year and bainian with me! Growing fat with me too, eat eat and eat, gamble gamble and gamble. Hehe, so i'm rather happy and satisfied. However, my taima passed away during cny. Still feel kinda regret for not sending her off, why must i have common test on that day. Sucks. But still, rest in peace in the other world. You'll always be in our heart. Feels kinda weird as i'll always go to taima house and bainian during 初一. On the happy side, it's the releasing of A's! I got pretty good grades for my h1 and MT :) I hope those who do not achieved their desired grade to cheer up, you know you have did your best and just focus on your h2 subjects? 


Had been called up for modelling job, looking forward to the hong kong trip :)
Till then,  

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