Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back to school, no hell.

Hello readers, guess no one will come to this dead site haha. K, i still like to blog coz i like to type out my happiness/sadness.

So school have started for me, im now Pre-U2 having PW and A's this year. Really struggling to wake up so early in the morning aft a long break. Actually overslept today, not gonna miss school anymore. Gonna work really hard this year, i hope. Yeah, still getting use to my classmates this year, some of them are really nice ppl i guess? Heehee! K, enough of my studies.

Hmm.. really detest smoking smell, smokers aint all bad ppl ok. Juz really annoyed by the smell sometimes. Really hate it when you throw me alone to smoke, and i really hate the smell too. Haiz, irritates my eyes and my breathing only. 

Really luv this series of photos teehee, my boy's really sweet to me

P.S, really looking forward to the Dragon year :)

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