Friday, October 28, 2011

You light up my life

Hello lovelies!

Heheh, shall surprise you with a cute photo of me in the cute pink polka dots top! *chio*
Kk, i should stop being so BHB!
Here to update a lil abt my life, i've been promoted to year 2 :)
One year had passed in mi, pretty quickly year for me..
Alot of things had happened to me, i've met my and alot of new friends! :>
In mi, kersin shuling and me 相依为名tgt! Eat tgt, gossip tgt, pon tgt!

To my dearest kerker, im so sad that you cannot promote tgt with me.. Rmb our promise? Muz promote tgt! Throughout this year, we've got so close and share our secrets tgt! Giving each other love advices, cheering each other up when down How could i possibly live without you? Without you, no one gossip and entertain me leh, later i at school fa mei~ OMG, CANT IMAGINE! :O
Really hope you'll be able to advanced to next year! No matter what happen, we'll still be 好姐妹! I love you, my dear!

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