Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lost in life

This times are probably the darkest days of my life, i've nvr been like that before..
Felt so guilty for the hurtful words i've said to baby, i hope you'll forgive me.
No matter what i wont leave you. I'll change, change for a better girl!
I've always been loving you and it'll nvr change. I'll make up for I did and hope things get better for us!

Having exams now, tmr's maths promo! I cannot afford to fail..
But i cannot find the motivation to study!
Can someone teach me what to do ma? AHHHH~
Shall got do some revision later :)

我们的距离是不是越来越大越远呢? 希望我们能回到过,.我会尽力挽回这段爱情.
我会更体谅你的, 对不起.. 我爱你.. 已经失去了信心,失去了你的疼爱了吗?

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